Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday Evening

Zach continued in the same course today as described this morning--he's agitated, anxious, and in a lot of pain. But he is talking a lot to his parents and the medical staff. They were able to find some medication that will help him a little more with the pain. Nancy and Greg's favorite quote of the day from Zach was: "I love you--leave me alone!"

He is also being treated for pneumonia. The doctors said that was to be expected with his condition. The docs told Zach's parents to expect setbacks: "for ever four steps forward, there will be two steps back."

Tomorrow they expect Zach to have orthepedic surgery on his broken bones so he can begin the healing process there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    My name is Chris "Monsterman" from the Hpi Baja Forum I have been following Zach's Thread on HBF that Dave @ DDM had posted up! I would like to let Zach and his family know that there is a HUGE group of guys pulling for him on HBF.

    Here is the thread link I was hoping that there might be some way to get a computer up to his room once he is up to it? He could join the forum or just go on and see all of the replies for him!

    I hope he continues to do well and recover. Time will heal things. We are all thinking about you @ HBF Zach!!

