Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Evening

After three days of working with different medication combinations the medical staff has been able to find some things to take the edge off of the pain, so Zach's having a little easier time getting some are his parents.

He did meet with a speech pathologist this morning, they had him try a couple of different liquids to determine if he can start to have things orally. His swallow is still a little weak and so they will allow ice chips but not anything else right now. He is happy with that for now. And he asked the nurse to "top off" his cup of ice.

The physical therapist came up to visit him as well today. They had Zachary sit up on the side of the bed for 5 minutes. Watching the effort that this took as well as the amount of pain that it caused him brought the reality of the amount of time that it is going to take for to recover.

Tuesday morning he will be in surgery again to repair the left pelvic bone.

His parents were teasing him that they sold his ATV (but they didn't so don't worry)! We are also teasing the other kids that Zach is our first and LAST child to drive.


  1. Amen to the driving thing!! We are glad that Zach is progressing. Do you think he can upgrade to Diet coke "Ice Chips" soon? Zach and the family continue to be in our thought s and prayers DAILY!!

  2. Nancy - Those of us at work are thinking and praying for your family. All of our clients have asked about your son and many are following the updates on the blog. Form East to West we are all hoping and praying for Zach.

  3. I just received an email from Chelsia Evans. It was my roommate that came across the accident and was with your son for a bit. If you'd like her email address or phone number, feel free to email me at and I will pass it on to you.

